
One Stop Online Market Place

All-in-one Market Place


An online website which serves as a market place for a group of 5 websites. The website provides a common platform for diverse websites to sell their products or services.

The details of all products like name, description, price and stock are dynamically imported from different websites.


• Secure Login for registered users. Easy Sign Up for new users. A new user receives a welcome email and is provided with a one time offer/deal.

• Users can live chat with support staff to clarify their doubts or if they require more knowledge about any regard. Chat window available on all pages of the website.

• A user can add items and items are stored persistently, even if the user logs out, items will still exist in cart.

• Users receive an email when orders are placed. Users can also track their orders through online Orders section.

• The users can track the current tracking products of the marketplace at the homepage of the website.

• The user can add ratings and reviews to any item.

• Admin of the website can track any user on the website.

• A user can login through Facebook and doesn’t need to create a new account.

• Integrating different social websites - Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter.

Stack: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

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